Directorate of Print Media Affairs (DPMA) 

Mr. Frans Nghitila

Mrs. Elizabeth Amagola

Deputy Director - Division Media Liaison

Mr. Shasimana Uugulu

Deputy Director - Division Publications


The Ministry is committed to promoting access to information to proactively relay information to the masses and effectively communicate government-related information to the people as outlined in the second Harambee Prosperity Plan’s pillar of Good Governance. The right to access information empowers citizens to obtain lifesaving information, held by public bodies, to make informed decisions.”

DICTD Functions

  • Formulate, review, oversee implementation and advise ICT policies and laws
  • Liaise with entities responsible for ICT technology development and innovation to promote successful introduction of new technologies and services
  • Ensure appropriate regulation of ICT state-owned and other ICT enterprises
  • Coordinate the implementation of regional and international obligations in the ICT sector
  • Facilitate implementation of high level ICT related programs, projects as well as to facilitate investments on a national level

Contact us

Mr. Frans Nghitila - Director

Tel: 061 283 2515
